huh? life has a purpose??

Monday, November 14, 2005

First Post

hmm okay new blog, wowwee.

guess maybe i decided to change it because

1. the previous title didnt make sense anymore (after daryl and ian's smses today i realised that i no longer cared ^^)

2. i was walking back from the bus-stop then had the sudden idea of new address

3. been thinking about changing the address for a long time anyway

4. i might actually be able to make people THINK, (oh well if i can write a thousand word long post and not have any impact i dont see how this can work)

5. scared of being called a hypocrite in relation to blogskin (no i couldnt be bothered to change it)

6. i wanted cbox and couldnt be bothered to change it (again)

okay i am running out of ideas now, maybe i'll think of some again later

p.s. daryl and ian, dont ever call me a troll again.


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