huh? life has a purpose??

Friday, November 25, 2005

zzz dont ever talk to me about harry potter for the rest of the....month? (o.o)

thanks to stupid kenny and company (or j.low and company wdv) i was forced to watch the damn movie two times within what... 6 hours?

okay so me and julian come out of the theatre at 2, having just finished the 11:15 show. then who do we see? mr kenny and mr arjun and... shouren (j.low went to buy tickets)

then we proceed to be hustled into buying tickets for the 2:30 show. bugger, but oh well at least i only paid for one of the movies cause julian's mom paid for us for the first one. o_O

(i broke my lovely $50 note in exchange for 3 plastic $10 notes and 2 normal 100% cotton ones =/)


yay shallow post! now sue me for being un-intellectual


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