huh? life has a purpose??

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Some people should learn that making me promise promises I can't keep is just shooting yourself in the foot. Wow okay that’s nice you make me promise something you know I can't keep, then get all pissed and lecture me about trust when you yourself aren't very trustworthy with all your freaking snooping around.

Get a life lah, too bad I have to go back on the weekends since you allegedly miss me, or rather miss barging into my room without knocking and insisting that you are allowed to do such things. I’m sick and tired of your disrespect for my privacy and person, so I can safely say that I would rather stay here over the weekend by myself than go home. So there, you threaten to take things away from me? What’s there except necessities considering that I’m living in a hostel?

Sigh or maybe I’m just unappreciative and ungrateful, shame on me?



Our new yg5 is decidedly good, but I don't feel a sense of bonding at all. Sure we have most of the old members, but we also lost a few of the people that were really a part of the old yg5. Take Alastair for an example, we no longer have a good role model outside of the ygls to follow in our context; or you could take the example of Becky and Chris who liven up youth group with their antics, when they decide to be present of course.

But oh well, things just happen, not necessarily shit, but you have to accept it either way. Bah?

At least I have ties with both Ailene and Paul, shouldn't be too bad.


I think there's quite a significant difference between a personal blog and a self-centered blog; I can safely say that my blog is personal, but I don't insist that everything I say has to be about me do I?


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