huh? life has a purpose??

Sunday, November 27, 2005

"sEanY~: amen to marcus. occultic stuff isnt exactly very healthy for christian life.

sEanY~: pokemon is actually occultic cos it's "monsters" so i was banned from it as well. but wdv i dun care -.-"

damn why does that sound so much like kaijun saying that dota is stupid then still playing it? no offense of course to kaijun

Saturday, November 26, 2005

cool i just realised that to cross stuff out the '< / s>' must be put behind the '<>' -.-"

(the blank space between the <>s is to be filled with an S. if you concentrate hard enough you'll be able to make it appear inside! give it a try)

today was the first day of the pseudo-renovation of my house.

a wall was built in the second story family room for my new room. (hopefully more space to jump around and a drumset ) and the best part is.... SOUND PROOF WALLS!!! now it wont matter that my room is even closer to the monstrosity downstairs. i'll be SAFE AND SOUND (haha bad pun)

(its black, has loads of ivory, weighs a tonne, and makes awful noise. in case you pple were wondering what the 'monstrosity' was)


but of course before building the partition the family room had to be cleared out, quite an emotional experience... what with clearing out old toys and games, brought back memories of good times had together with my siblings. my car collection, my bunch of trucks, the bucket of duplo blocks that we used to make castles out of.

the little plastic insects gotten from zoo camp in p4 that we used to play kuti kuti ^^"

argh, really too good to throw away


church camp in one week's time, can hardly wait

Friday, November 25, 2005

okay sorry to whoever i may have offended as a result of my angst outburst earlier on today.

wanna know the reason..? its really dumb. cause i just came back from harry potter then my parents come back home and say that they wanna go out for dinner. while i was in the shower.

so i was like 'DOH i didnt come home to shower just so that i could go out again!'. *AGITATEDDD* anyway afterwards i had to eat crappy popiah for dinner instead of.. fish & co? (popiah is nice but the dunman food court one is disgusting)


zzz dont ever talk to me about harry potter for the rest of the....month? (o.o)

thanks to stupid kenny and company (or j.low and company wdv) i was forced to watch the damn movie two times within what... 6 hours?

okay so me and julian come out of the theatre at 2, having just finished the 11:15 show. then who do we see? mr kenny and mr arjun and... shouren (j.low went to buy tickets)

then we proceed to be hustled into buying tickets for the 2:30 show. bugger, but oh well at least i only paid for one of the movies cause julian's mom paid for us for the first one. o_O

(i broke my lovely $50 note in exchange for 3 plastic $10 notes and 2 normal 100% cotton ones =/)


yay shallow post! now sue me for being un-intellectual

Thursday, November 24, 2005

not seeing people regularly makes you think about them, sometimes in a negative sense. you use whatever fragments of interaction with them you have during the holidays, root out negative things, then blow it up into an all out rant and be all pissed and angsty about them.

or maybe its just me.


as a result of not having anymore stupid book series to read anymore. (e.g : harry potter, alex rider, one hundred stupidest things ever done) i have decided to read h2g2 again! whoopee wowee.

but of course tonnes of general knowledge is needed to properly understand and appreciate it properly... :(

"if ignorance was bliss eric would have an orgasm"


hmm okay surprisingly the address '' is still on my 5 day history.



damn i wish i still had somemore work. days of slacking as a result of being released from work last VERY short. then you wish you had work again

doh stupid human nature.

but of course theres HOMEwork to be done. Essay on Science = Eye of Skadi = Eating on Slack = CRAP.

chinese? wads that


today (or yesterday [
HAHA LOOK AT THE TIME AHAHAHA]) i realised that my feet are accustomed to being CUSHIONED. argh thats bad. i am suffering without the carpet and the pillow footrest for my computer

feels so empty and makes me agitated >:(

or maybe its the time


ah well... willy wonka isnt THAT bad chris =/


mymy how messed up the post looks, but oh well i'll leave it since i cant be bothered to type it all out again, and also so that certain people who brag about their sleeping/awake time will be spurred to achieve greater heights (read: 'later' hours)

-end edit-

Saturday, November 19, 2005

while utilising my lovely new christmas tree guitar stand with all three types of guitar i think i might have just unlocked the reason behind the size of most bassists (except the rammstein bloke)

playing the bass is DAMN TIRING.

yeah just thought you might like to know. hee.

Friday, November 18, 2005

task: lose your salary for two weeks and half of your savings for the year within five hours (total: $440)


-give the money to your dad so that he can bank it in
-go to bras basah complex
-find the shop called 'swee lee' on the third floor
-seek out a certain Ibanez bass jumpstart kit
-request to have a look at it (widen your eyes at the staff's name 'sultan')
-grimace at the horrible maroon colour of the instrument (i want black. duh.)
-check for the availability of the marvellous BLACK COLOUR
-sigh when they say the dont have it
-proceed to try out the bass
-deem yourself satisfied
-check the price ($462 after 20% discount from $550)
-be informed by the staff that the black will come in tomorrow, thus we shall collect it tomorrow!
-be amused at your dad pleading for a further discount
-marvel when mr. sultan relents and brings it down to $440




after that we went to some dodgy chinese cd shop where my mum took a long time to select a bunch of classical vcds in which a chinese piano player (who looks like he'd been stuffed into a trash compactor judging by his hunchedness) well... played horrible agitating boring music

here is when ian becomes indignant. oh well too bad.

as a result of boredom i look around the shop and found an eyebrow raising vcd series entitled 'sex in animals'. on the cover shows hyenas and horses in the act of corpulation.

maybe its meant for animal lovers like me o.O or for people with REALLY WEIRD FETISHES


time to slack right now.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

hmm here's what my mum thinks of me:


i concede selfish and indifferent. but i'm sure people that KNOW me will disagree that i am EGOISTIC?! (if you dont you ought to be shot along with my mom btw)

hello? my dear ignorant mum, i happen to be ERIC LEE JUN REN, the person with no self-esteem, much less any pride, the word 'ego' exists in his dictionary only to identify it in people and rant about them.

no pride that is unfounded anyway, but then again i suck at what i'm good at.


of course this goes to show how 'well' my mum knows me. maybe one day she will learn that yelling at me without explanation will get nowhere. maybe one day she will learn not to slam the door when i try to explain

maybe one day she will WAKE THE BLOODY HELL UP.



Tuesday, November 15, 2005

ah the company of mr azmi today was a refreshing break from the mundane life that usually results once the post-exam/holiday-starting euphoria is over.


hmm one should try to trust mr azmi's sense of direction more, despite the many panic inducing comments he makes. example: "should i turn right or left? i think i shall turn right because it sounds nicer".

or something like that


then the issue of my negativity came up. argh am i really THAT negative that i really dont say anything positive at all? oh no thats bad...

i guess people will might take me more seriously if i was more balanced and not be tim-like TOO NICE or over critical.

ah maybe thats why people dont give a crap what i say, obviously if someone never said anything good about anything ever then he/she isnt exactly the most credible person around.

at least thats what i think =/ (sean: "eric gets sucked into the mirror")


i really need to find something more constructive to do with my time

Monday, November 14, 2005


sth i found off dotaportal, quite interesting:

What is love? When we claim that it's love that we have for someone,
are we right? Something to think about...

Do you love someone because you've been kissed?
It's not love, it's inferiority complex.

Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing and is your voice caught
within your chest?
It isn't love, it's like.

You can't keep your eyes off of them, am I right?
It isn't love, it's lust.

Do you love someone because you can't live without their touch?
It's not love, it's lust.

Are you proud and eager to show them off?
It isn't love, it's luck.

Do you want them because you know they're there?
It isn't love, it's loneliness.

Do you stay for their confessions of love, because you don't want to
hurt them?
It isn't love, it's pity.

Do you belong to them because their sight makes your heart skip a beat?
It isn't love, it's infatuation.

Do you think he or she is really gorgeous?
It's not love, it's infatuation.

Do you pardon their faults because you care about them?
It isn't love, it's friendship.

Do you share everything with them?
It's not love, it's friendship.

Do you tell them that they are the only one you think of?
It's not love, it's a lie.

Are you willing to give all of your favourite things for their sake?
It isn't love, it's charity.

Would you sacrifice your own life for them?
It's not love, it's heroism.

If you love someone because you think that you shouldn't leave him
because others think that you shouldn't ...
It's not love, it's compromise.

Do you know you love them because you simply cannot live without them?
It's not love, it's dependency.

Does your heart ache and break, do you cry for their pain, even when
they're strong?
Then it's love.

Do their eyes see your true heart, and touch your soul so deeply it hurts?
Then it's love.

Would you allow them to leave you, not because they want to but
because they have to?
Then it's love.

Could you live without them, content with knowing that they are happy?
Then it's love.

oh well.. guess its sth to think about for those who can be bothered to.

First Post

hmm okay new blog, wowwee.

guess maybe i decided to change it because

1. the previous title didnt make sense anymore (after daryl and ian's smses today i realised that i no longer cared ^^)

2. i was walking back from the bus-stop then had the sudden idea of new address

3. been thinking about changing the address for a long time anyway

4. i might actually be able to make people THINK, (oh well if i can write a thousand word long post and not have any impact i dont see how this can work)

5. scared of being called a hypocrite in relation to blogskin (no i couldnt be bothered to change it)

6. i wanted cbox and couldnt be bothered to change it (again)

okay i am running out of ideas now, maybe i'll think of some again later

p.s. daryl and ian, dont ever call me a troll again.